Finalmente mi sono decisa ed eccomi di nuovo qui a scrivere qualche parola in più e a parlarvi di alcune cose che mi stanno piacendo …

Fiber Artist
Finalmente mi sono decisa ed eccomi di nuovo qui a scrivere qualche parola in più e a parlarvi di alcune cose che mi stanno piacendo …
Months ago I promise myself that I would try to go out more, just to breath some fresh air during my week, maybe to take …
[Passo molto tempo a casa, tra il lavoro e il mio animo casalingo. Molto di questo tempo lo passo da sola e può diventare desolante, …
When a brand contacts me for a collaboration I always think about it, of course. I think about the product they are promoting, if it …
Since I started to read about slow living years ago, I always ask myself “what is slow living to me?”. In the end, my answer is …
Maybe it’s time to put away the very warm, chunky and cosy sweaters. When I look at this picture and I start to really look …
Let’s see if I can stick with this idea. As I said lat week, I want to use more this blog and one of the …
As I am writing this blog post, I’m in my bed, under the duvet, writing from my tablet. I’m not super sick and that’s the …
So, lately I’m feeling really disconnect from Instagram. It’s nothing new for me, I go through this stage at least once a year and it seems always during the Winter months after Christmas.
[per la versione italiana vai giù] You know me, I’ve been trying to live in a more mindful way for some time now. Sometimes I’m …
[ per la versione italiana vai sotto] One of my (sort of) new year resolutions is to keep a personal knitting project for the evenings …