The brunch was at Da Emilia, a really nice place near the University, where you can eat delicious food from Emilia Romagna (I would suggest …

Fiber Artist
The brunch was at Da Emilia, a really nice place near the University, where you can eat delicious food from Emilia Romagna (I would suggest …
I have to be honest: this past few days have been challenging. I want to work on too many projects, I’m struggling to keep mind …
Lately I’ve been feeling a bit disconnected from photography. It’s already happened to me and it will happen again and again. It’s something that now …
One of the “habits” that always brings me calm is journaling. I try not to have fixed moments like writing every morning. I’m a person …
This morning I give myself time. I needed to make a couple of errands and instead of making them running around like my usual, I …
One of my favourite things to wear in Winter times: woolen socks with boots. Una delle mie cose preferite da indossare in inverno: calze di …
[Versione italiana sotto] As I was writing on my journal and looking for new stamps or stickers to add to my collection, I had an …
I’ve been working on a new pattern that will be out in the new year, both as a pattern to knit and the actual sweater. …
I’m in the Instagram Edit of the new issue of 91 Magazine. Le mie foto sono nella sezione Instagram Edit del nuovo numero di 91 …
This past week has started with me sort of panicking for how many things I have to do in the next few weeks and it …