I look at the tones of pictures every day, checking my Instagram feed, going through Pinterest, reading blogs, viewing what’s new on Unsplash. I also do it for work, sure, but mostly because I like looking at beautiful pictures, feeling inspired and having new ideas to try.

One of the big themes that always pop up in my feed is flowers.
Especially in Spring and Summer, flowers are everywhere: beautiful bouquets, scattered on a wooden floor, outside a flower shop, on journal pages and so on (#bloomandgrow, #underthefloralspell, #tfspring, #flowersofinstagram).
It’s something that I like, but I don’t really feel it mine, I’m not the flowers type. If I can choose, I’ll buy a new plant for my apartment, not a bunch of flowers: it’s just how I am (#plant_problem). But I like them, of course, especially if they are used in a beautiful and serene shoot.

On Pinterest, one of the boards that I look at the most, is the one about Photography.
I put there some of my pictures, of course, but I mostly pin the kind of pictures that I admire, the ones that drive me crazy (in a good way) by how beautiful they are. A good part of those pictures have water, flowers and the human body as elements. I find them so beautiful.
I’m attracted to water, I have no idea if this is something that has to do with my zodiac sign (I’m an end of June Cancer), or if it all began when I was little and I spent my Summer between mountains with iced waters (it didn’t matter, I loved to play in there) and calming sea waters.
In the end I can only say that I’ve always been attracted to that element and to be capable of combing it with photography for me it’s just perfect.
So the other week I had an idea: I couldn’t go to any mountains or to a river, I don’t have a nice bathtub and the light in my bathroom is so strange, so I decided to play with my laundry tin basket and some dried flowers.